Mental Health Seminar and Spelling Bee Championship

Research has shown that students’ poor academic performance may be attributed to mental health problems like anxiety, depression and stress before tests and examinations. To combat this problem, Ghana Youth Movement for Mental Health (GYMMH), Peace First, and Striving Muslims created awareness on mental health problems, its effects on students and also provided psychological first aid to the Huriya Basic School in Wa, Ghana. A five-member team and 8 youth volunteers also organised a spelling bee championship. On January 4, 2022 in the Upper West region of Ghana.

We came up with the idea of creating awareness of mental health problems, how it affects students and also provided psychological first aid with a team of five individuals. We organized a mental health seminar and a spelling Bee championship. We selected this idea after careful deliberation because we realized that it presented us with an opportunity to make the people of Wa municipality know via radio, provide psychological aid to help support these students and also help them improve their spellings through the spelling bee. We designed T-shirts and posters, chairs, water, snacks for the students and also awards for the winners. We have received support from an NGO and also the community. The radio station also supported us with their coverage. The project impacted 1,000s of persons as over 150 students from different basic schools in the community attended and also the online telecast.